Solo Rugs

Rafael Hand-Loomed Blue Area Rug

Solo Rugs

Rafael Hand-Loomed Blue Area Rug
$108 per month for 6 months - Total $644 with a Perigold credit card. Refer to disclosure number one on the Perigold credit card landing page.with a Perigold credit card

Rug Size:


Rectangle 9' x 12'

Rectangle 9' x 12'

Rectangle 5' x 8'

Rectangle 8' x 10'

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About This Piece

Why We Love It

  • Material: Wool

  • Technique / Weave

Fresh, spirited, and above all, luxurious, the rugs of the Modern collection can invigorate a traditional room as gracefully as they can ground a more contemporary space. Regardless of their color and style, there is just one thing about these rugs that are not modern: Each is painstakingly handcrafted by artisans using time-honored techniques.

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